The Difference Between LED And LCD Displays
With the rise of high definition displays in the past decade, a lot of new terms entered the consumer market. While heavily promoted in advertisements and marketing materials, the meaning of these words often gets lost or confused.
If you’ve looked into displays, you’ve probably seen the acronyms “LCD” or “LED” used. But what does that mean to you? What’s the difference between them?
Let’s start with the definitions for both…
What is an LCD?
LCD stands for liquid crystal display. Liquid crystals are a unique matter that has properties of both liquids and solids. These crystals are placed between layers of glass, and a current is run through them, making an image.
Once upon a time, you’ve possibly pushed for your finger against a display screen and seen the colors and image ripple. That’s a liquid crystal display. They’re used on everything from calculators to TVs.
LCD displays need a second source of light to display a light source. This can often result in LCD displays being thicker and their image appearing washed out.
What is an LED?
LED stands for Light Emitting Diode. These are individual sources of light that work together to form an image. On a more basic level, it’s like a Lite-Brite. However, more advanced LED displays can form much brighter, clearer, and more complex images.
Since LEDs make their own light, they’re distinctly brighter and have much wider viewing angles.
Sometimes, you’ll hear of LED LCD displays. These displays use liquid crystals, but illuminate them with LEDs. These displays are generally thinner, brighter, and more versatile than traditional LCD displays as well, but lack the vibrancy and ruggedness of true LED displays.
Advantages of LED Signs
Modern LED technology has become common place due to its superiority over traditional LCD displays. In addition to being brighter and offering wider viewing angles, LED displays do better under external light. That makes them great for both outdoor use and brighter interior locations.
LCDs are also sometimes vulnerable to screen burn if a similar image is left on there for too long. LED signs do not suffer from this problem.
LED signs have a studier build, allowing them to survive outside without the need for extra casing. Simply put, if you have a message to display, LED displays are the way to go.
They provide superior images, more options, better build quality, and they’ll last longer.
For indoor or outodoor LED signs in Cincinnati, Ohio, contact us today! We have an option that’s perfect for you!